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Join Us
Help us build tenant power in the Triangle

Who can join?
All tenants are welcome to join Triangle Tenant Union. We define tenant as anyone who does not control their housing or anyone else's housing situation. Homeowners and community land trust members may join as non-voting supporters. Landlords and anyone affiliated with police departments are not allowed to join TTU.

Why do we collect dues?
As an organization of tenants, TTU relies on its own members to fund ongoing expenses. These include meeting supplies, educational materials, meeting space rentals, printing costs, etc. We understand that many tenants face financial precarity that makes it difficult for them to pay dues — there is a no-questions-asked option to join TTU without dues payment.

Have you ever been associated with law enforcement?
Are you a homeowner?
Are you looking to organize where you live or help other tenants organize?
What dues would you like to pay? Pay an amount that feels good to you.
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