Who we are
We are tenants in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill fed up with rising rents, gentrification and displacement, disrepair, and landlord petty tyranny. We are working to stop landlords, developers, and cops from looting our communities.
We believe that housing is a human right. The housing market prioritizes profit for developers and landlords over quality of life for tenants. The housing market leaves our neighbors with no option but to live unsheltered and at constant risk of police harassment. We must abolish the housing market and all of capitalism to win our freedom and dignity.
Organize With Us
We are a member-run autonomous tenant union that organizes tenant associations in apartment complexes and neighborhoods across the Triangle region. We are not a housing policy advocacy non-profit or a service organization. While these groups provide valuable resources to tenants, they do not challenge the basic structural dilemma facing us — the subjugation of housing under capitalism. Only by collectively organizing as tenants against each and all landlords can we win a future where housing is built and allocated according to human need, not profit.
We encourage all tenants of private landlords, houseless people, and public housing residents to join us in organizing associations. As an affiliate of the North Carolina Tenants Union, we encourage tenants in NC who are outside of the Triangle to join their closest affiliated union.
Join us here.
Email us with any organizing questions or other inquiries at triangletenantunion@gmail.com